


1. 搜集市场信息,洞察消费电子产业各子行业、细分业务领域,包括市场环境、行业竞争态势、客户需求动态,技术发展趋势及竞争社市场策略等全链路信息;

2. 分析行业机会和风险,访谈行业头部/重点客户群,识别行业机会点,设计业务,撰写市场洞察报告

3. 结合市场洞察报告进行产品、客户、技术等多维度优劣势分析,识别细分市场机会,协同技术研发团队共同制定产品及客户策略;

4. 负责公司产品的销售、推广及渠道开拓工作,理解客户需求、进行客户关系维护,不断拓展新客户



1) 10年以上消费电子产业经验( 裸眼3D 方向),有头部电子消费类品牌的互动经验,或者高科技初创企业的从业经验优先。

2)  熟悉市场洞察、竞争分析、业务/产品规划方法框架,具备定量数据分析、定性深度访谈能力,并能理解方法背后的逻辑和本质。

3)  对消费电子产业有独到的理解,可以通过现象看到业务本质,并结合实际情况运用到业务场景。

4)  有较好的数据分析能力和商业洞察力,可以深入思考剖析问题。

5)  擅长沟通及横向工作推动,可以推动内部资源完成策略落地形成闭环。

6)  具备经验总结,体系构建,行业研究,快速学习,创新能力

7)所需专业: 工科类专业

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BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd., founded in April 1993, is an IoT company providing intelligent interface products and professional services for information interaction and human health.  BOE’s three core businesses are Display and Sensor Devices, Smart Systems and Healthcare Services. BOE’s display and sensor products are widely used in a broad spectrum of applications such as mobile phone, tablet, notebook, monitor, TV, vehicle display, digital information display, healthcare, finance, and wearable devices.

In 2017, BOE’s yearly new-patent applications amounted to 8678, 85% of which are invention patents. In total, BOE has over 60,000 usable patents, ranking among the top of the industry. BOE has more than 3000 overseas new patent applications, covering the United States, Europe, Japan, South Korea and other countries and regions. Data from IFI Claims also shows that BOE has ranked 21st among the Top 50 USPTO Patent Assignees in 2017, with its annual growth rate ranking the first among Top 50 for two consecutive years. According to the 2016 International PCT Applications of WIPO, BOE ranked No.8 with 1,673 applications.