CACS College Counselor

Use your diverse skills to help China’s top students reach their goals of matriculating into US universities. Enjoy an international work environment, and an industry leading compensation and benefits package.

ENREACH’s vision is to make Chinese students the global leaders of tomorrow. Our educational mission is to provide Chinese students aged between 9 and 18 with a high quality and interdisciplinary international education that encourages critical, creative, independent thinking. Following western educational standards, the ENREACH Education programs include a liberal arts curriculum, college counseling services, international exam preparation and extracurricular activities. ENREACH is a division of Dipont Education, a leading education management group in China and pioneer in the development and customization of international education programs for students since the 1990s.

ENREACH is seeking Chinese nationals who have had success at some of America’s best colleges to be a part of our comprehensive high-end counseling service that focuses on executing a college admissions counseling strategy. This involves guiding students understanding of their unique self, as well as developing their creativity, communication and critical thinking skills. We teach students and their families where they have opportunities to take control, not only during the admissions process but also how to be successful in a US college and enriching students’ skills to develop as global leaders.

What is the job?
1. Counsel students to help them identify their unique self and help students develop the skills to best communicate that self through essays, interviews and personal statements.
2. Researching colleges with students and parents and helping them select colleges whose core values match their own ambitions.
3. Help students put together their applications and use the common application to submit to colleges.
4. Working in a team of Chinese and American counselors and teachers to train, guide and motivate students throughout the process so that they become confident independent learners.
5. Communicate regularly with parents and students about reaching expectations, progress and achievements and removing any barriers or hurdles throughout the process.
6. Contribute to growing the program by working with sales and marketing support teams, attending events and promoting the program to interested parents and students.

Benefits Include:
1. Using what you know best in the work place every day.
2. Working in a truly international work environment as part of a team of Western and Chinese counselors.
3. Having a direct impact on China’s top students on their educational goals.
4. Connecting with partner programs worldwide (OACAC, IECA, etc.).
5. Significantly contributing to a growing company and program.
1. Bachelor’s degree and/or post-graduate qualification in any discipline from a highly ranked American College .
2. The ability to commit to a 3-year contract.
3. A commitment to excellence, and entrepreneurial mindset, and the ability to work efficiently in a startup environment.
4. An interest in education and developing students.
带薪年假, 五险一金
1493800615767 英锐logo


英锐教育是 狄邦集团 旗下的国际教育专业服务机构,为中国9-18岁学生提供一站式国际教育服务,包括各类文理课程、课外活动组织与指导、国际文化交流、国际标准化考试辅导和美国名校升学指导等学习项目,以期作为中国传统学校教育的补充与完善,和中学阶段国际教育的丰富与提升。    


教育是一项严肃的事业。尤其当我们面对的是一群充满朝气与理想、尚处于自我觉醒与人格形成阶段的青少年。好的教育不只是传授知识、陪伴学生从未成年走向成年,更要培养学生独立的人格和应对未来复杂世界的能力。   英锐秉承西方文理教育的核心理念,以人的全面自由发展为终极目标。通过一系列文理课程、课外活动和延伸项目,英锐致力于培养学生成为拥有批判意识和时代智慧的世界公民,成为能够终生学习、自由生活和人格完备的个体。      


英锐坚持“以学习者为中心”,鼓励学生勇于承担自身的学习责任,养成自主学习的习惯和终生学习的能力,因此将所提供的各类课程和服务项目均称为学习项目,具体而言分为四大类别:文理课程、考试辅导、课外活动和名校申请,四者相辅相成,提供一站式的国际教育服务。   如果以武功修炼作比,文理课程好比“内功修养”,考试辅导、课外活动和名校申请好比“招式修习”;英锐将学生的长远发展和短期目标一并考虑,主张内外兼修,以追求形神合一的最佳状态。    


英锐教育的人才观承继了文理教育的“全人发展”理想,也符合美国社会对于 21 世纪人才的 4C 标准要求(批判性思维能力、沟通能力、合作能力与创造能力),这也是美国优秀大学选拔学生的标准和培养学生的目标:


·       批判性思维与问题解决能力

Critical Thinking & Problem Solving

能够有效思考、辨明价值和做出明智的判断,并能综合运用传统和非传统的手段解决不同类型的问题 。


·       创造性与自主学习能力

Creativity& Active Learning


·       跨文化理解与全球意识

Cross-culture Understanding



·       沟通能力与合作精神

Communication& Cooperation

能够有效地表达观点、倾听他人,在各种团队环境中与他人有效协作 。