International kindergarten in downtown city


Monday to Friday

Oral English curriculum provided

25-30 minutes per class

Teaching assistant provided in each class

Full working and living support team provide

Free Chinese course and travel assistance

Free TEFL course provided 



Bachelor degree

Age  above 20 with bachelor, native speakers from USA, UK,CAN, AUS and NZ

Age  above 20 with bachelor, European but study and receive degree from native countries

Active and love teaching to younger kids 


带薪年假, 定期体检, 节日福利
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Our main objective has always been to provide quality English to all of our students and prepare them for entering primary school.  Not only this, but we also take great pride in our unparalleled reputation for providing foreign teachers with the best possible experience - during their time in China.

In the beginning - China International Kindergartens was in control of only a handful of nurseries, now it has expanded its operations to over 50 English nurseries, in Wuhan and also neighbouring cities. We have over a 1000 teachers currently working for us and are proud to say they are now all well experienced having been through our program
